This is your rookie year in the league, how has the overall experience of Summer League and Training Camp gone so far?
It's been awesome. Luckily I’m surrounded by players and coaches who really care about playing winning basketball, so the practices have been super competitive. The guys are super welcoming and DC has been fantastic, can’t complain at all.
Was the draft process all you expected? What sticks out in your mind as the highlight?
The highlight was definitely draft night. The NBA did a great job getting the event set up and rolling in person which made it super special. I loved my suit and thought I looked great, and so to get a chance to be up on that stage with Commissioner Silver was something I’ll never forget. And, to top it all off, getting to experience that with my family and closest friends is something I will be grateful for forever.
You’re an obvious student of the game. Who would you say you model your game after?
I’ve been watching Klay Thompson film for years now. He is so much more than a 3 point specialist, and impacts the game in a handful of ways. I’m really excited to see him on the floor again and compete against him this year.
15 years from now who’s career would you like yours to most closely resemble?
I would love to have a career like Klay. Year in and year out he gets better and adds to his game. When he is healthy, he is one of the biggest scouting report threats in the league and demands attention all game long. He also clearly plays the game with joy and loves his job, which I want to be known for.
Do you have a stylist and how do you envision your overall game-day style to look like?
Yeah I do. My stylist’s name is Adri Zgirdea and she is awesome. I have always opted for classic and timeless clothing, but I’m definitely not boring either. Look for clean fits and chic style.
What are you first impressions of the Wizards’ organization and the city of DC?
DC has been awesome. Coming from the west coast, its unlike anything I’ve ever lived in. The mall downtown is awesome to drive around and see, and you can feel the energy of an entire country happening in the area. The organization is basically brand new top to bottom. We have a bunch of new faces, including our head coach, who are all energetic and committed to winning. Can’t wait for a big year.
Who are you looking forward to matching up against?
The best shooter in the league, Steph Curry.
If you could custom design one piece of clothing from your most ideal fit, what would it be?
I think it would have to be a pair of shoes. I am just starting to get seriously into the shoe game and creating my own pair would be the cherry on top of a great fit.